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Skin Whitening Treatment

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Perfect complexion and flawless skin are the desire of every person. Factors like hormonal changes, sun exposure, and free radicals often damage the skin. This results in dark spots and patchy pigmentation, making us look older. Pigmentation can be light or dark. While not life-threatening, it can certainly impact our confidence. Pigmentation becomes darker and more permanent with sun exposure, pollution, and age. The UV radiation from the sun can be extremely damaging as it penetrates deep into our skin and triggers pigmentation. This results in skin tanning, sunburns, dark patches, and even premature aging. 

It is not possible to shield ourselves from the sun. For those with field work or outdoor work, persistent and gradual pigmentation is very much a threat. Skin will start looking dark and dull with signs of premature aging. Experts always recommend using sunscreen whether outdoors or indoors to protect our skin. Pigmentation not only affects our face but also other body parts such as the back, arms, and neck. Pigmentation can also be from hormonal imbalances triggered during childbirth or contraceptive pills. 

Pigmentation is classified as superficial, deep, or mixed. So, treatment for pigmentation is based on the severity of the skin issue. 

Why do I undergo Skin Whitening Treatment?

Pigmentation can be damaging to our skin and our confidence. The Internet is filled with home remedies, creams, and OTC treatments. Yet, these solutions are hardly permanent or effective. Pigmentation is rooted deep within our skin. Hence, it needs treatment from experts. Your expert will conduct a thorough analysis of the skin and select the right treatment, whether it is pigmentation, tan, age spots, or dark spots.

Chemical Peels for Skin Whitening

Chemical peels are a safe and effective treatment process for skin whitening. It combines specialized products and services including highly effective technology. The ingredients have properties that correct dark spots, age spots, pigmentation, and tan. The results are visibly brighter and radiant complexion. A chemical peel comprises natural depigmentation and skin-lightening properties. It gently exfoliates the skin and reduces unevenness in the skin. This all happens with improved cell turnover. A chemical peel is quick and easy and can be completed within a matter of hours.


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Laser Treatment

Laser treatment is among the most effective and trending treatments nowadays for skin whitening. In this treatment, concentrated light energy beams are directed at the skin. It removes the top skin layers. The energy beams are of high intensity and varying wavelengths. It creates heat and destroys the skin’s dark spots. Laser treatment is a highly efficient treatment for skin whitening. The procedure is easy and does not cause any pain. You can go back to your daily activities post-treatment. Laser treatment may need extra aftercare prescribed by the doctor.


Post-Treatment Care

Both chemical peels and laser treatment are safe and easy with minimal post-treatment care. People with sensitive skin might face some issues such as skin becoming red. Avoid exposure to direct sunlight and use sunscreen. People will sensitive skin are advised to undergo skin whitening treatment at least 2-3 days before any event.

Skin whitening treatment is not a permanent solution but certainly gives you a long-term skin whitening solution.
To know more about Skin Whitening Treatment in Kolkata, meet dermatologists or call: +91-6292009990.

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